Kim Il
Mar 22, 2021


How to format code in medium

I needed to google it, because i did not find a formatting tool to format source code.

Type 3 backticks (`) to start a code block:

I just typed ``` in a new paragraph. A block popped with monospace font, which is the most important thing.

Syntax highlighting would be great, too. Can it be done? I don’t know yet, lets try, again with a new paragraph

function Hello() {
printf(“Hello World”);

Nope, this didn’t work. I pressed CTRL-ALT-6 on the selected block.

Lets try with a link:

Hmm, not really, can’t see my code.

Now JSFiddle:

Yupp, nice

I think i will go with, atleast for javascript code.

To be continued, please check back in a week or so, i want more syntaxes 🥳

